In the Line of Duty

I read his words on the News that night; for emphasis, I guess
the commentator read them too, and certainly they’re true
A firefighter, he had said, performs in his life but one act of bravery-
swearing the oath of office that binds him to his job
Everything after that, he said, was just in the line of Duty.
Well said, thought I, Chief John Moran, I tip my hat to you
while pictures of him and his family just then came into view
and I felt sorrow, as yet another tale unfolded in a long parade of woe.

But, as the story ended, his portrait then was shown-
Suddenly, staring from the screen was a man that I had Known!
a friend from Youth, a smiling boy, a happy Irish face-
the years and miles fell away, and took me to a place
where Terror had not touched our lives- or claimed some as a prize.
In the Saint Camillus parish band I’d marched in step with him
playing grand old songs from Sousa and tunes to make you grin
and singing songs at Christmas time, among them, “Silent Night”
I close my eyes and still can hear one song that makes me pause
whose words I could not fathom then –“You’ll Never Walk Alone”

So glad am I that courage lives in the hearts and minds of those
who stand against the harm that comes from men with hearts of stone
   All…in the line of Duty.

By Anthony G. D'Agnese
